Wednesday, October 22, 2014


These things are everywhere, in fact you are using one right now. The internet itself is a compilation of networks, the largest connection to computers that has ever existed, and likely the largest that will exist. There are 3 types of networking: mesh, bus, and star; all these networks connect computers to each other in different ways. The bus network is like a railway, computers connecting to each other by said rail. If the rail is broken, the connection will snap as well, only connecting to computers on either side of the break instead of to everyone. The diagram below might help with the explanation.

Just imagine a break in the middle between the two center computers. The pairs on either break can still contact each other via the bus network, but they can not contact with the ones on the other side of the break. This creates an issue, because if the bus network breaks at any point, it loses it's effectiveness as a network.
The second one I'll talk about is a mesh network. This one doesn't fall under the same troubles as the bus network, but still functions as a network similarly to it. Each connection can transfer data to one another, but with the mesh network all contacts are connected to each other. Everything is connected, and even if a break occurred it would all still find a way around. This type of network resembles the below diagram.

Lastly there is a star network, now these ones don't seem too different from mesh networks, they have extremely similar designs but don't let that fool you. This type of network is used in households all the time, usually via router. Star networks have every device connected through that central hub, The diagram will present their difference in a more visual format.

I think I've explained the fascinating difference of these network types. I found these teachings in my class to be very inspiring and helpful in not just my understanding of computer networks but some of my sci-fi writings I have on the side. If you want to know more about networks, I recommend following this link. The link send you to the wikipedia page for networking, giving a brief history and explaining the multiple types of networks in more detail. Talk to everyone later, I think it's time to start lounging again.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Output Devices

You might know of more than the monitor when it comes to output devices, but what if I told you that there are some that are amazingly cool. Now of course you have your monitor, printer, and speakers as your common output devices, but some really awesome variants started popping up recently of those three. I'm not just talking about the 3-D Printer, or the 3-D screens that have been all the rage lately, no, I am talking way crazier than that. What if I told you that there are headphones that could read your mind? Now, I don't mean it outputs thoughts or anything like that, no, it reads your mood to present you music on your connected music device that suit the mood you are currently in. That is something straight out of Sci-Fi, and is really awesome that it truly exist. Don't believe me? Click this link to get to the site.

Another super cool output device (that goes along with the input device stated in the previous blog) is the Oculus Rift Virtual Reality Visor. This visor allows a first person view in all the action, although it's real potential resides in it's use in video games. This visor allows all first person action in games to appear through your eyes, all the way down to the detail of turning your head. You are able to now peer through rooms with your own eyes, and see the worlds of your favorite video games through your own eyes instead of some character's.

That is all for output devices, I do implore that you look for some other ones, it is amazing what technology is getting to now. These two are just my personal favorites from what I found browsing around. Hope everyone liked these two devices, both are still in development but have alot of potential. Keep an eye on them if you can, they are sure to be some of the new best things in a few years. Until next time readers.

Input Devices

Ah the input devices, the common accessories required to make computers work. Among the common input devices, the mouse and keyboard, there are ones that are much more interesting. There is a pen and pad that artists use to make the lines and details in their digital art to be slicker and smoother. These pads are about the size of tablets and use a stylus pen to function, or you can just use your finger. The reason for this device is to achieve accuracy that is near impossible to do with mouses, and it works beautifully in that regard.

Another interesting input device that will likely not be used for a while is the Virtual Reality Gloves. These things allow motion control in a virtual reality setting, how sick is that? It is currently in prototype stages, so they won't be sold for quite some time, but it would allow hand movements to register as mouse movements on the screen.

For other input devices that might peak your interest, this site will send you to a good one with really cool input devices. There are some that are as ancient as the dirt you walk on, and some like these VR gloves that are newer in nature. Check it out if you get the chance, until then I will be lounging around. Till next time.


First off, welcome! I will be discussing in this blog what I've learned from my Computer Information Class at Mt. SAC along with other techno gizmo stuff. This will include new technology and things that we have today or have had for a long time. If all this interests you, then stick around, hopefully it will continue to do so.